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    • 当前位置:铜山招聘网圣戈班(徐州)管道有限公司
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      • 招聘人数
      • 1人 
      • 工资待遇
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      • 工作方式
      • 全职 
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      岗位职责:1、To find proper suppliers able to support technically the development 2、To Bring all information necessary to validate the supplier technically speaking ( capacity , experience , knowledge , organization ) 3、To Follow and manage the supplier to assure he success of the development of the product 4、To communicate internally within the sourcing team in China of the progress and the difficulties of the development , but also with the European sourcing manager 5、To provide sufficient technical report to the European sourcing manager so he can understand perfectly the situation and to be able to suggest some action plan 6、To define work procedure with Valve & components team leader and contribute on accomplish annual sourcing budget岗位要求:1、Education Bachelor degree or equivalent, majored in technology, in foundry area will be a plus。2、Business qualification:(1)Experience in Valve business and or new products development with external suppliers(2)Capable to use modern risk analyses technology and management project (3)Foundry knowledge in ductile iron parts will be a plus 3、Personal qualification (1)Good organization skill to organize his own time and for other people(2)Good communication skill in English with European customer (3)Quick thinking and reactive(4)Good resistance to assume a high work load and able to cope with high pressure situation。
      • 企业联系方式
      • 企业名称
      • 圣戈班(徐州)管道有限公司 
      • 联系地址
      • 江苏省徐州市鼓楼区东郊杨庄徐钢路 
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      客服手机:18358338450 客服电话:4008877287 客服QQ:20098640 客服微信:18358338450 QQ群号:231513
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